Twin Silo Park, Fort Collins, CO

Aerial shot of Twin Silo Park in Fort Collins
Twin Silo Park design – Ripley Design, Inc. Fort Collins
Kid playing at Twin Silo Park in Fort Collins
Kids playing at Twin Silo Park in Fort Collins
Playing tennis at Twin Silo Park in Fort Collins
Shot of Twin Silo Park in Fort Collins
Twin Silo Park

5552-5564 Ziegler Road | Fort Collins, CO 80528


Help design the next crown jewel of the city’s park system

Ripley Design assisted another landscape architectural firm (Civitas) and worked closely with Fort Collins Park Planning & Development Department to create the next community park in the city’s system. Twin Silo Park is a 54-acre site that centers on McClelland Creek adjacent to Fossil Ridge High School. Although the area was historically used for crop production, orchards, and sheep grazing, the Fort Collins community has now grown significantly to envelop this once agrarian landscape with new neighborhoods, schools, and more intensive land use. The City’s goal was to deliver a sleek and modern take on a traditional farmhouse complex as the social heart of the park and provide an experience that surpasses the normal park visitation.


As the local design firm, Ripley Design was involved in the overall park design and specifically in charge of the active recreation components, as well as the land use approvals. The active recreation components included pickle ball, softball, basketball courts and the playground. Ripley Design collaborated heavily with entire design team, which was comprised of over 63 separate companies and city departments. By having strong relationships with the planning staff, they were able to adjust designs mid-way through land use approvals without significant delays. Once a very custom design was idealized for the playground Ripley Design brought Cre8play on board to develop the design team’s dreams into reality.


Pride. Over 63 companies and city departments worked on this park and each one is proud of the results. Community Park design is a team sport and each person has a valuable contribution. Today, the active recreation opportunities provided at Twin Silo engage people to participate in the town’s agricultural heritage through play. Worthy of celebration, the park’s Urban Design Award underpins the conceptual design for Twin Silo Park, its materiality and its sense of place.



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