Public Spaces, Fort Collins, CO

Photo of College and Willox corridor design _ Fort Collins, CO _ Ripley Design Inc
College and Willox corridor in Fort Collins _ Design by Ripley Design
College and Willox roundabout Fort Collins _ Design by Ripley Design Inc
College and Willox roundabout _ Design by Ripley Design Inc
College and Willox corridor in Fort Collins _ Design by Ripley Design Inc
College and Willox corridor _ Design by Ripley Design Inc

College and Willox | Fort Collins, CO

Several photo-real streetscape planting and theming alternatives were created to show the improvement to a highly used entry corridor into the City of Fort Collins. Before-and-after examples were illustrated using various computer programs including SketchUp and Photoshop. A sense of arrival into the city is created with entry features and streetscape elements that reflect the character of the area.

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